6 Lane
5 Lane
4 Lane
4 Lane Hot & Cold
3 Lane
2 Lane Premix Options
1 Lane
2 Lane

Premix Options Available

Machine Dimension (W*D*H)mm 330 X 430 X 620
No. of  Options 2
Premix Capacity (each lane) 1.2 kg.
Water Tank Capacity 20 Ltrs. (bubble top)
Dispensing Rate (cups/min) 4-6 Cups
Weight of Machine 28 kg
Max. Load 2.2 Kw
Power Supply 230V AC, 15A
Auto Cleaning Yes
Water Filling Bubble Top
Machine Body GI Sheet
Tray/Top Cover Stainless Steel
Boiler Capacity 2.60 Ltrs. (Insulated)
Temperature Interlocking Yes
Digital Counters (for Each Lane) Yes
Separate Hot Water Option Yes
Hi-Speed Opt. (8-10 cups/min.) Yes
Password Locking Yes
Half Cup Facility Yes
Due it ongoing developments, specifications are subject to change.